Pawan Bareja, PhD

Residential Retreat Teacher

Pawan Bareja, PhD has practiced Vipassana meditation since 2001. She is a graduate of the Spirit Rock Teacher Training, a Buddhist Ritual Minister and a Community Dharma Leader at Spirit Rock. She has taught classes and daylongs on healing trauma using mindfulness at Spirit Rock, San Francisco Insight, EBMC, and Esalen. In her private practice as Trauma Resolution Practitioner, Pawan works with a diverse population of clients and teaches mindfulness meditation. For the past 18 years, Pawan has been a senior assistant at Somatic Experiencing trauma healing trainings and has traveled to India to teach this work to professional care providers.

What qualities of your ancestors have you inherited? What strengths have you inherited? What qualities are flowing through your bloodstream? Take a moment and recall some of these qualities. These are our roots. And no matter how large we become, it’s these roots, our ancestors, these roots that keep us grounded.
Pawan Bareja, Heart Practices in the Time of Pandemic and Racism

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