Mindful Leadership Training: Feb. 2025


Drop-In Groups

Drop-In groups are a welcoming introduction to Spirit Rock teachings and a source of ongoing inspiration and community connection. All drop-in groups are online, with closed captioning available, and include meditation, a Dharma talk, and often discussion.

In addition to our two open meditation groups, Monday Night and Wednesday Morning, we have weekly groups for self-identified BIPOC, LGBTQIA+, and women, and a monthly group for the recovery community. All drop-in groups are suitable for new to experienced practitioners, and are offered by donation (dāna), on a sliding scale, for you to pay what you can. No one is turned away for lack of funds from drop-in groups.

Drop-In Groups

Monday Night Meditation & Talk

Mondays | 7:15 pm - 9:15 pm | Online (Occasional On-land - check calendar!)

Jack Kornfield began this weekly practice gathering in 1986 to introduce the practices of awareness and compassion that are the heart of the Buddha’s teachings. The evening has a period of meditation in stillness and a Dharma talk, sometimes with Q&A. In addition to Jack, you’ll hear inspiring Spirit Rock teachers presenting the ancient teachings of the Dharma in a way that’s relevant, wise, and helpful in our complex world. This program is currently, mainly ONLINE, with occasional on-land dates. Check the calendar carefully for the on-land dates.

Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk

Wednesdays | 10 am - 12 pm | Online Only

Our Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk is led by Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg, Heidi Bourne, or other guest teachers. With more community emphasis than the large Monday night gathering, this group welcomes beginners and experienced practitioners to explore Dharma with an emphasis on everyday life, social engagement, and lovingkindness. This program is currently ONLINE ONLY.