On-Land Retreat

Rest, Renewal, and Joyful Rigor: A Women's Meditation Retreat

Teaching Team

Erin Selover, LMFT

Erin Selover, LMFT


Erin Selover is a Dharma teacher with over 25 years of Buddhist training and co-stewards a meditation community integrating the Celtic Wheel of the Year, Buddhism, gift economics and distributive governance. She is a member of the Nonviolent Global Liberation practice community. She works as a Spiritual Strategist with individuals.

Kate Johnson, MA

Kate Johnson, MA


Kate Johnson is a meditation teacher, facilitator, writer and mama. She offers classes and retreats integrating relational spirituality, social justice, somatics and creativity, and consults with organizations committed to equity, sustainability, and the practice of wise relationships. She is also the author of the book Radical Friendship.

Victoria Cary

Victoria Cary


Victoria loves the Dhamma and is particularly drawn to supporting people in their practice through a focus on the integration of Dhamma into everyday life. Victoria’s approach to teaching seeks to investigate the complexity of our human experience while holding plenty of space for kindness.

Monica Magtoto, E-RYT

Monica Magtoto, E-RYT


Monica Magtoto is an artist, yoga instructor, energy worker, educator, and tarot reader based in San Francisco, Ca.Magtoto is a Yoga Alliance 500 Registered Yoga Teacher, holding additional certificates in Restorative and Yin yoga.

Catherine Shaddix, PsyD

Catherine Shaddix, PsyD


Catherine Shaddix is a Buddhist meditation teacher, as well as a licensed clinical psychologist. She has trained extensively in the Theravada, Rinzai Zen, and Dzogchen lineages, beginning in 1991. Catherine was given teacher authorization by Jack Kornfield and Trudy Goodman at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in the fall of 2021.

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