Richelle Evelyn Donigan

Movement Teacher

Richelle Evelyn Donigan is a masterful Transformation Guide, Life Coach, Yoga Instructor, Author, and Speaker. She has been in the work and study of transformation for more than 40 years. She has studied and practiced under the direct guidance of Gurumayi Chidvilasananda of the SYDA Yoga Lineage, Mary Morrissey of Life Mastery Institute, Thich Nhat Hanh, global spiritual, poet and activist. Richelle has an extraordinary gift for creating safe and empowering spaces for all people. She is passionate about bringing these extraordinary, ancient practices to communities that have been traditionally underserved. She has created and led numerous retreats and workshops focusing on LGBTQI Communities. In April 2018 she penned her first book, Long Weekend: Guidance and Inspiration for creating your own Personal Retreat. Richelle’s Classes and Vision Workshops are life-changing. You will walk out with powerful clarity and strategies to create a life that you absolutely LOVE. A consummate teacher, Richelle embodies wellness and is dedicated to uplifting community with the profound healing practices of Yoga & Vision.