Rasika Link
Movement Teacher
Rasika has been practicing and teaching hatha yoga since 1984. She has been influenced by many teachers in both the Iyengar and Kripalu traditions. In 1999 she began vipassana practices at Spirit Rock, and her yoga classes gradually shifted to a more concentrated, mindful style of teaching. She invites curiosity to awaken in the asanas (postures) as she gently reminds you to soften around your rough edges. Her classes are like a breath of fresh air on a crisp morning in the mountains. She is living in Portland, Oregon, and having fun with her two young grandchildren.

Rasika Link's Upcoming Programs
Retreat | On-Land
March 1 - March 29, 2025 | Saturday - Saturday | 28 nights
2025 March Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat - Application
Applications Still Being Accepted. An extended period of retreat offers the rare opportunity for sustained, dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing profound clarity and depth of Insight practice. Instruction will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness combined with training in lovingkindness and compassion, and practice will be structured around a daily schedule of silent sitting, walking, Dharma talks, and practice meetings with teachers.

Tara Mulay

Tempel Smith

Tuere Sala

Devin Berry

Anushka Fernandopulle

Kristina Baré

Rasika Link
Retreat | On-Land
May 17 - May 29, 2025 | Saturday - Thursday | 12 nights
The Nature of Awareness: A Retreat for Experienced Students
Registration Open. In this retreat we will explore the nature of awareness, or consciousness, which is at the heart of sentient life. Awareness is always with us, revealing the phenomena of our experience, yet we may not have learned how to use it as a focus in meditation. As we deepen our connection to this mysterious capacity for knowing, it becomes a powerful pathway to inner freedom and liberation.
Retreat | On-Land
July 9 - July 18, 2025 | Wednesday - Friday | 9 nights
Summer Lovingkindness Retreat
Registration Opens - February 19. The Buddha’s teachings on the four divine sanctuaries (brahmavihāras) include meditations on universal friendliness (mettā), compassion (karuṇā), altruistic joy (muditā), and equanimity (upekkhā). Aimed at purifying our hearts and developing concentration, these divine sanctuaries help us find inner peace and powerfully engage with the world. This retreat will deepen our understanding of selfless love and its role in ending suffering. Retreatants are encouraged to combine this retreat with the Insight Meditation retreat to further develop concentration and purify the heart.
Retreat | On-Land
July 18 - July 27, 2025 | Friday - Sunday | 9 nights
Summer Insight Meditation Retreat
Registration Opens - February 19. This retreat will emphasize continuity of awareness in all activities, stabilizing the mind, and cultivating insight. Combining relaxation with clarity, we will explore the liberating teachings of the Buddha, including the foundations of mindfulness, the radical nature of impermanence, and the cessation of craving. Practitioners are encouraged to combine the Summer Insight Retreat with the Summer Lovingkindness (mettā) Retreat, although this is not required. For those attending both retreats, the teachers will guide and integrate the retreats as one offering.