John Travis

Residential Retreat Teacher

John Travis is a Spirit Rock Teacher Emeritus, and the founder of Mountain Stream Meditation Center in Nevada City, CA. He has practiced Insight Meditation for over 40 years and completed a four-year senior teacher training with Jack Kornfield in 1993. He lived and studied in Asia for a decade under several great meditation masters, including S. N. Goenka, and Anagarika Munindra. He took a period of monastic ordination in the Theravada tradition under Thangpulu Sayadaw, as well as a brief novice ordination under Kalu Rinpoche. John's teaching style focuses on a non-dual approach emphasizing body, heartfulness, and the nature of awareness itself. In addition to his meditation training, John has taught Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), facilitated men's groups, and led co-holotrophic breath workshops. He is a father and a poet; a pastoral counselor and hypnotherapist, and has completed two years training in the Hakomi-method of body-centered psychotherapy.

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