John Martin

Residential Retreat Teacher

During his professional career, John Martin served as CEO of the San Francisco Airport (SFO) for 20 years, a role for which he won many awards, including the 2015 ACC Aviation Award of Excellence. He has also been devoted to dharma practice since 2001. His practice includes both long retreat practice and an engaged practice in the world. In his teachings, he emphasizes the aliveness of practice in everyday life, as well as the cultivation of the beautiful heart qualities (brahmaviharas). John teaches Vipassana, Metta and LGBTQIA-themed meditation retreats. John's spiritual path has also included volunteer service work, including over 12 years as a hospice volunteer. He completed the SRMC/IMS/IRC 4-year teacher training in 2016. Currently, John serves as well on the Guiding Teachers Council.

John Martin
There are many different reasons we come into this practice. But for most of us, suffering is one of the key components that brings us here. Physical pain, mental suffering, pain in the body, difficult emotions. For me, hearing the first Noble Truth for the first time resonated deep inside—that there is suffering, that this is a universal condition, that I wasn’t alone in my suffering. That there is a cause—that this can be understood. That there is the potential to open to peace, to realize an end of suffering. And that the Buddha offered this path of practice that leads to the very end. Something deep inside of me resonated with that. I couldn’t explain it. But it was a calling to a deeper happiness, a deeper peace.
John Martin, Four Noble Truths & Mindfulness of Death

John Martin's Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land

July 29 - August 4, 2024 Monday - Sunday | 6 nights

The Spirit of Insight, Dharma & Awakening

The essence of Buddhist practice is embodying the Dharma experientially. In this retreat we will use mindfulness meditation to study our experiential reality within all our activities, including meditation, movement, eating, resting, and listening. When we are present and investigate our experiential reality moment by moment, insight arises, and the Dharma reveals itself within our body, heart, and mind. As the living, embodied truth unfolds, we awaken to the Buddha within and discover the depth and breadth of our own human potential.

John Martin

John Martin

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Eugene Cash

Eugene Cash

Howard Cohn

Howard Cohn

Victoria Cary

Victoria Cary

Retreat On-Land

August 18 - August 27, 2024 Sunday - Tuesday | 9 nights

Summer Lovingkindness Retreat

The Buddha’s teachings on the four divine sanctuaries include meditations on universal friendliness, compassion, altruistic joy, and equanimity. Focusing on purification and concentration, these divine sanctuaries aid our ability to find inner peace and powerfully engage with the world. This retreat deepens our understanding of selfless love and how it ends suffering. Experienced retreatants are encouraged to combine this retreat with the previous Elements retreat to further develop concentration, purify the heart, and learn to integrate these two forms of meditation.

Tempel Smith

Tempel Smith

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Bonnie Duran

Bonnie Duran

John Martin

John Martin

Kristina Baré

Kristina Baré

Rasika Link

Rasika Link

Retreat On-Land

October 27 - November 2, 2024 Sunday - Saturday | 6 nights

Befriending Mortality: Living An Awakened Life Through Mindfulness of Death

18 CE Credits. We all “know” we will die, yet we tend to ignore it and put our collective heads in the sand. Rather than running away from our inevitable mortality, we can harness its power to stay aligned with our deepest values and to live and love more fully. Fully embracing life’s impermanence can engender a deep freedom and letting go. Through mindfulness of death (maraṇasati), we become more present for this miraculous, passing show called life with gladness and gratitude.

Nikki Mirghafori

Nikki Mirghafori

John Martin

John Martin

Kodo Conlin

Kodo Conlin

Dharma Library

Can't join us live online or on the land? Study and practice at your convenience with John Martin through our new library of recordings, articles, and self-paced online courses.