We can respond to the wrongs of this world, but we can't respond to them skillfully if we're not present—if we're not awake and we don't have access to the totality of what's sitting in our seat. What’s here is intelligence, heartfulness, and a certain kind of strength and potential to discover what's needed to respond to the dukkha of the world.
Eugene Cash
Residential Retreat Teacher
Eugene is the founding teacher of San Francisco Insight. He has been a Buddhist teacher since 1990. He is a senior teacher at Spirit Rock. Eugene’s teaching is influenced by many streams of Buddhism–– Theravada, Zen and Tibetan. He is also a Diamond Approach teacher. He’s passionate about practicing 24/7, supporting awareness, investigation, and realization in daily life.

Eugene Cash's Upcoming Programs
Retreat | On-Land
October 16 - October 24, 2025 | Thursday - Friday | 8 nights
Fall Insight Meditation Retreat
Registration Opens - February 19. Grounded in the Thai Forest Tradition, this Vipassanā retreat will focus on quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity and depth of practice. During our time together, traditional meditation instruction will be combined with a spirit of lovingkindness, and the retreat will include silent sitting and walking meditation, Dharma talks, and practice meetings with the teachers.
Retreat | On-Land
October 25 - November 1, 2025 | Saturday - Saturday | 7 nights
Maraṇasati: Mindful of Death/Contemplating Life
Registration Opens - February 19. Maraṇasati (Mindfulness of Death) practice is a way to cultivate the qualities needed to live an awakened life, such as appreciation of the preciousness of life; insight into impermanence; freedom from clinging; and equanimity. Combining sitting practice, guided visualization, and a period of contemplative inquiry each day, this retreat will be grounded in the traditional practices of mindful awareness and compassion. Instructions will emphasize an understanding of the impermanence and change that occur naturally in every moment of our lives.
Retreat | On-Land
November 22 - November 30, 2025 | Saturday - Sunday | 8 nights
Reclamation of the Sacred: Journey into Refuge, Presence, and Love
Registration Opens - February 19. In helping us to deepen our refuge and reconnect with what is most precious and sacred in this life, this retreat draws from teachings and practices that open us to the heart of compassion. Informed by a synthesis of Theravāda Buddhism as transmitted through the Thai Forest Tradition and the teachings of Ajahn Chah, and Mahāyāna practices and teachings around Quan Yin’s compassionate Bodhisattva Path, this retreat includes devotional practices, Dharma talks, meditation instructions, Yoga sessions, and meetings with teachers.
Retreat | On-Land
December 27 - January 4, 2026 | Saturday - Sunday | 8 nights
New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat
Registration Opens - February 19. This is a traditional Insight Meditation (vipassanā) retreat with sitting and walking in silence, and regular meetings with teachers. Each day there will be systematic meditation instructions, Dharma talks, and movement practice. We will mark the turning of the year with a late evening sitting and simple ceremony on New Year’s Eve. In celebration of the New Year, our focus will be on cultivating loving awareness and embracing each moment as fresh and new. All are welcome.
Dharma Library
Can't join us live online or on the land? Study and practice at your convenience with Eugene Cash through our new library of recordings, articles, and self-paced online courses.