Bonnie Duran

Residential Retreat Teacher

Bonnie Duran embarked on her journey with the Dharma in 1982. She has since taken teachings from a diverse array of Western teachers, such as Joseph Goldstein, Jack Kornfield, and Kamala Masters, as well as Thai, Burmese, and Tibetan Monastic teachers. Bonnie's credentials include graduating from the Insight Meditation Society (IMS)/Spirit Rock Meditation Center (SRMC) retreat teacher-training program. She has been a core SRMC Dedicated Practitioners Program teacher and is on the SRMC Guiding Teachers Council.

Bonnie teaches long and short retreats at IMS, Spirit Rock, and other communities and is involved in Native American spiritual practices and traditions. Bonnie was introduced to the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist tradition through her partner and is now happily studying and practicing. Bonnie has contributed to Hilda Gutiérrez Baldoquin’s book “Dharma, Color, and Culture: New Voices in Western Buddhism” and has written for the Harvard Divinity Bulletin, Tricycle, and the Turning Wheel.

Dr. Duran is a professor emeritus in the Schools of Social Work and Public Health at the University of Washington and a faculty member at the Indigenous Wellness Research Institute. Her academic work has been primarily with Tribal, urban Indian, and International Indigenous communities.

Bonnie Duran's Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land

August 18 - August 27, 2024 Sunday - Tuesday | 9 nights

Summer Lovingkindness Retreat

The Buddha’s teachings on the four divine sanctuaries include meditations on universal friendliness, compassion, altruistic joy, and equanimity. Focusing on purification and concentration, these divine sanctuaries aid our ability to find inner peace and powerfully engage with the world. This retreat deepens our understanding of selfless love and how it ends suffering. Experienced retreatants are encouraged to combine this retreat with the previous Elements retreat to further develop concentration, purify the heart, and learn to integrate these two forms of meditation.

Tempel Smith

Tempel Smith

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Bonnie Duran

Bonnie Duran

John Martin

John Martin

Kristina Baré

Kristina Baré

Rasika Link

Rasika Link

Retreat On-Land

October 20 - October 26, 2024 Sunday - Saturday | 6 nights

Uncovering the Luminous Gold Within: BIPOC Mettā Retreat

Open to all self-identified BIPOC. There is a rich repository of deep peace and ease that resides within the heart. Mettā, the practice of lovingkindness, brings to awareness the messages of conditioning that cloak the inner sacredness of our being. Mettā transforms the heart into a sanctuary by which we are strengthened to stay lovingly engaged with the tumultuous tides of life. This retreat offers silent and guided meditation, Dharma talks, movement meditation, and restful time to nourish the body and heal the heart. 

Amana Brembry Johnson

Amana Brembry Johnson

Bonnie Duran

Bonnie Duran

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

bruni dávila

bruni dávila

Richelle Evelyn Donigan

Richelle Evelyn Donigan

Dharma Library

Can't join us live online or on the land? Study and practice at your convenience with Bonnie Duran through our new library of recordings, articles, and self-paced online courses.