Anam Thubten

Guest Teacher

Anam Thubten grew up in Tibet and at an early age began to practice in the Nyingma tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Among his many teachers, his most formative guides were Lama Tsurlo, Khenpo Chopel and Lama Garwang. He is the founder and spiritual advisor of Dharmata Foundation and teaches widely in the U.S. and abroad.

Anam Thubten's Upcoming Programs

Retreat On-Land

June 15 - June 21, 2024 Saturday - Friday | 6 nights

The Magic of Awareness

The paradox of awareness is profound and yet very simple. It can’t be described because it has no objective qualities and no limitations. It is neither pleasant nor unpleasant, good nor bad. We will practice with this quality of awareness through formal and informal meditation. Once we know how to pay attention, it can be experienced in an instant. When we learn to reside in that liberated mind, we find the very thing we have been seeking all along.

James Baraz

James Baraz

Anam Thubten

Anam Thubten

Trudy Goodman

Trudy Goodman

Alexa Redner

Alexa Redner

Thomas Davis

Thomas Davis

Jill White Lindsay

Jill White Lindsay