"This path is called practice because it’s not easy to do. As Ajahn Chah has said, confronting the self can be like walking into a hurricane. But true safety can be experienced here in the present moment. When we're able to actually meet the moment, without contention, that's where our superpower lies—it’s not in responding to all of our thoughts about what is or what we think should be here. When we're able to have a mind that sees clearly, our heart isn't getting pushed and pulled by the winds of the hurricane and we can start to touch into this groundedness, this centeredness, this collectiveness that is unshakable."
November 21, 2022
| 53 min.
The Freedom in Meeting this Moment
Dawn Mauricio

Dawn Mauricio
Residential Retreat Teacher
Dawn Mauricio has been practicing and studying Insight Meditation since 2005, and has graduated from several Buddhist programs, including Spirit Rock's 4-year Teacher Training. She teaches with a playful, dynamic, and heartfelt approach in Canada and the US, to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and folks of all backgrounds.