In our day to day lives, it’s like a snow globe that’s agitated, all shaken up. When we slow down, we’re putting the snow globe down. Depending on our social location, or what is inherited in our bodies, whether it’s transgenerational trauma or if we live a fairly trauma-free life, that’ll affect how much the snowflakes settle. All of them settling is not necessarily the goal, but we’re trying to slow down enough so that the snowflakes begin to settle, and we start seeing between them. Then we see what is a thought or opinion—whether inherited or an old false belief we strategized when we were a young child—and the spaces in between.

Dawn Mauricio
Spirit Rock Residential Teacher
Dawn Mauricio has been practicing and studying Insight Meditation since 2005, and has graduated from several Buddhist programs, including Spirit Rock's 4-year Teacher Training. She teaches with a playful, dynamic, and heartfelt approach in Canada and the US, to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, and folks of all backgrounds.