As human beings we are meant to go through transitions throughout our phases of life in order to become fully human, to become a true elder who has wisdom to pass down the generations. With each transition in our life, we go through a descent where we let go of an old identity so that the energies and the motivation for the new can emerge. One of the reasons we go on retreat and keep a daily practice is because we’re training in descent. We go into liminal space, between worlds, where we separate from what we know as we are birthed into a new phase of life.

Erin Selover
Spirit Rock Residential Teacher
Erin Selover is a Dharma teacher with over 25 years of Buddhist training and co-stewards a meditation community integrating the Celtic Wheel of the Year, Buddhism, gift economics and distributive governance. She is a member of the Nonviolent Global Liberation practice community. She works as a Spiritual Strategist with individuals.