Online Retreat

Changes and Transitions: Finding Clarity and Well-being in Times of Change

Change is normal and necessary, but often we are unprepared to manage it skillfully. Research shows that meeting change with mindfulness and having specific tools to navigate uncertainty allows us to experience well-being even when life is challenging. Change naturally brings up concerns, fears, and questions that can lead to confusion, lack of motivation, or poor decisions. To help you effectively respond to these challenges, during this workshop participants will have the opportunity to: Use our “Journey through Change Map” to orient yourself in your change; Recognize mind habits that undermine you and learn practices to disengage from them; Identify your values and intentions so you have a basis for making wise decisions; Create a plan for navigating your change. Expect a weekend full of dynamic inquiry and the opportunity to learn essential life skills for meeting your changes and transitions with authenticity, confidence, and clarity. Your commitment to attend all sessions is important and required. If you are unable to attend any part of these sessions, we ask you to consider joining at another time when you can be fully present.

Teaching Team

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala


Tuere Sala is a Guiding Teacher at Seattle Insight Meditation Society and Spirit Rock Retreat Center and has practiced Vipassana meditation for over 30 years. Tuere has been teaching since 2010, assisting others in establishing and maintaining a daily practice.

Michael Dart

Michael Dart


Michael is a dedicated Vipassana practitioner who completed Spirit Rock’s Dedicated Practitioners and Advanced Practitioners Programs.

For 30 years, Michael has been a strategy consultant and a partner in leading management consulting firms.

Michael completed Phillip Moffitt’s Life Balance Strategist Training and is certified to lead “Changes and Transitions” programs.

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Matthew Brensilver

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Gil Fronsdal

Gil Fronsdal