Online Drop-in

Rainbow Saṅgha

The Rainbow Saṅgha is a weekly gathering of self-identified practitioners within marginalized gender and sexuality groups such as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, two-spirit, and gender non-conforming. Together, we’ll explore the Dharma in ways that welcome our lived experiences and build community that honors our diverse voices.

Teaching Team

Wildecy de Fátima Jury

Wildecy de Fátima Jury


Wildecy de Fátima Jury is formally practicing Theravada/Vipassana meditation over 23 years. She graduated from the Dedicated Practitioner Program and the Community Dharma Leader Program at Spirit Rock. She had received a non-monastic ordination. She completed a Dharmapala Training. and is completing the Mindfulness Mentor Training.

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Drop-in Online

Wednesday, August 28 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk

Our Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk is led by Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg, Heidi Bourne, or other guest teachers. This group welcomes beginners and experienced practitioners to explore the Dharma.

Donald Rothberg

Donald Rothberg