Online Courses

Equanimity: Finding Balance in Difficult Times

Equanimity (upekkhā) is a highly-valued quality in Buddhist teachings. But what is equanimity? How do we cultivate it in our meditation practice? Even more, how do we access it in daily life, especially in times like these with so much uncertainty, fear, and sadness over the suffering in the world?

Through talks, meditations, and prompts for inquiry, we will explore the development of equanimity in our formal practice and aspects of equanimity that can be applied pragmatically to our life off the cushion. This course is appropriate for both new and experienced practitioners.

This self-paced program is five hours long and comprises dharma talks, practices, and inquiry organized into five sessions.

This course serves as a valuable resource that can be revisited as often as you like to maintain or re-energize your ongoing practice.

Continuing Education: 5 CE Credits


This program offers 5 CE Credits Continuing Education (CE) credits for $50 for , and may be applicable for other licenses. Please review our CEC information page for full provider information.

To be eligible for Continuing Education Credits (CECs), you must:

  • Register and pay for CECs prior to starting the on-demand course. Once you start the course, no retroactive CECs will be given and the CEC fee is non-refundable.
  • Complete all sections of the course, successfully pass the program assessment, and follow the next steps. No exceptions. Please review the CEC information page for attendance requirements.


Learning Objectives

Additional notes

  • For full provider information, and additional CEC information, including attendance requirements, cancellation, and grievance policies, please visit our CEC information page.
  • Spirit Rock is a provider approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing, Provider Number CEP16905, for 5 contact hours.
  • Credit is awarded for instructional time only and does not include extended silent meditation, if offered.
  • For those with a different license or with a license from a different licensing board, please contact your licensing board directly to ask if CE credit from the above-approved sponsors is accepted. Spirit Rock does not confirm applicability of credit for those with licenses different than those listed above.

Additional Information

Scholarship Offerings and Policies

Non-residential, day programs (online or on-land): scholarship rates are unlimited and available to anyone who needs it for most programs, some exceptions apply. If you need a rate lower than the listed scholarship rate, you have the following options.

On-Land Day Programs: Partial or full scholarships are available on a "volunteer work trade" basis. To learn more, go here.

We have a volunteer program that allows qualified individuals to volunteer at a program they wish to attend, or to volunteer in another department at Spirit Rock and accrue hours towards attending events or retreats. Many people volunteer their time and talents to Spirit Rock each year. We could not operate as we currently do without this support. To learn more go here or contact our Volunteer Coordinator at [email protected].

Online Day Programs: Full or partial scholarships are available upon request via email; these requests go through the Registration department. To learn more, contact us at: [email protected].

Room Occupancy

We have double and single occupancy rooms. Many of our rooms are single occupancy (only 16 of 80 rooms are double occupancy). We offer a limited number (16) of "guaranteed single room" rates.  This rate guarantees a single room while helping to support scholarships and all we do here at Spirit Rock. The remaining single rooms are not exclusive to the top end of the sliding scale; however, they are initially prioritized for those with serious medical needs.

Participation and Attendance Guidelines

Home Practice Guidelines - learn more here

  • Log in to your Zoom account at least 15 minutes before the official start, get your practice space all set up with whatever you need for meditation, test your audio and video, and then enjoy sitting quietly and patiently in meditation until the call begins.
  • This is a practice retreat, not a webinar, so please plan to give your full attention to the sessions. In other words, it's not something to have on in the background while you are checking your email, doing the dishes, etc.
  • Turn off all other applications and notifications; mute the ringer on your phone. While in the sessions, please refrain from texting or other distractions. Let other folks in your household know your plans and timing.
  • If possible, set up a dedicated space for your formal practice and clear it of extraneous objects/distractions.
  • Consider preparing your meals/snacks before the start of the daylong.
  • Please be mindful of your physical movements; and be conscious of keeping your microphone muted until those times retreatants are invited to engage in questions or discussions.
  • Last and most importantly; be kind to yourself! Do your best to set yourself up for being present with us, knowing that we are in unusual times, and things happen.
  • New to Zoom? Need some help? How to Join a Zoom Meeting, or Downloading & Updating the Zoom Desktop Client, or Zoom Instructions for Online Programs at Spirit Rock

Scholarship Offerings and Policies

Spirit Rock Meditation Center offers a variety of types of financial support for residential retreats.

Mudita Scholarship: for any individual who requires financial assistance to attend a retreat. Elders (65+) on fixed incomes, or young adults who have 'aged out' of the Young Adult rate, would apply for this scholarship.

Karuna Scholarship: for individuals with serious medical conditions, or life-threatening illnesses who require financial assistance to attend a retreat.

Dr. Marlene Jones People of Color Scholarship: for individuals who self-identify as Black, Indigenous, and/or a Person of Color (BIPOC) who require financial assistance to attend a retreat.

Toni Ko Scholarship: for individuals who are new to meditation residential retreats and age 27-55 years with a need for financial assistance. The individual must be attending their first silent 6-night residential retreat at Spirit Rock. This scholarship is a one-time award.

Young Adult Scholarship: for young adults, age 18-26 years, who wish to attend a residential retreat. The number of young adult spaces available is limited per retreat and offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Please apply as early as possible. If all the Young Adult rates are sold out, you may select one of the above options that applies to you.

Renunciate Monastics: Monastics in the Buddhist traditions are invited to attend Spirit Rock retreats without cost. We ask that you register in advance to secure a space in the retreat. Monastic discounts can be extended only to one having taken vows and abiding as a renunciate, living exclusively on donations and having no form of income through work or other sources. You will need to provide the monastery you are affiliated with upon registering. To learn more, contact the Registration Dept at: [email protected].

Hemera Foundation Fellowships: Fellowships are available to anyone with a commitment of service — a deep desire to devote oneself to serving others through their work. Eligible applicants must be 18 years of age or older and working full-time in their profession. A separate application process is required by the Hemera Foundation. Learn more (and apply) here.

Teaching Team

James Baraz

James Baraz


James Baraz is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock. James started the Community Dharma Leader program and Spirit's Rock Family Program. James leads the online course "Awakening Joy" since 2003. He is a guiding teacher to One Earth Sangha, a platform devoted to Buddhist responses to Climate Change.