Mettā is as genuine and natural as your breath, and all it asks is a little quiet and attention. When the mind becomes quiet and the heart starts to open, we begin to feel the innate and fundamental connection with life. And when mettā meets suffering, it changes its flavor and becomes compassion—holding the sorrow of another. So you meditate not to have some particular state or great vision, but to remember who you really are. You find the space of awareness—that great heart of compassion or lovingkindness—and you can sense the connection with the universe and the mystery.
November 4, 2011
| 58 min, 48 sec
The Awakened Heart
Jack Kornfield

Jack Kornfield
Residential Retreat Teacher
Jack Kornfield trained as a Buddhist monk in the monasteries of Thailand, India and Burma. He has taught meditation internationally since 1974 and is one of the key teachers to introduce Buddhist mindfulness practice to the West. He is a founding teacher of the Insight Meditation Society and Spirit Rock Meditation Center. He holds a PhD in clinical psychology, and is a father, husband, and activist.