We want to let go of negative patterns and adopt positive patterns. In Buddhism, this is called “right effort.” We’re going to abandon the negative behaviors, thought patterns, speech patterns—all that destructive behavior—and we’re going to cultivate positive patterns in our lives. It is through changing our thoughts, words, and deeds, rather than through God intervening and fixing our lives, that we are going to change our lives. By definition, we’re going to change ourselves. We’re going to become different people who operate differently because we think, speak, and act differently now.
December 29, 2018
| 33 min.
Keep Coming Back: Dharma, Recovery and Renewal
Kevin Griffin

Kevin Griffin
Guest Teacher
Kevin Griffin is a Buddhist teacher and author of several books, including One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps. A longtime Buddhist practitioner and 12 Step participant he is one of the founders of the Buddhist Recovery Network.