I didn’t write because I was interested in espousing my theories or perceptions. Writing has always been with me as a way of inquiry, as a way of looking and witnessing. The only way I feel I can witness is through writing. Then I look at the words and know that they may not be real. “Something’s not real about what you just wrote.” I asked myself that. Why did that come about? And I get to play with that. I don’t do the writing without the sitting. Writing is the meditation.
July 18, 2021
| 1hr 17 min.
Engaging Whatever Arises
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Guest Teacher
Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, poet, artist, ordained Zen Buddhist priest/teacher and daughter of parents who migrated from rural Louisiana during WWII, is the author of several notable books integrating spiritual traditions, justice, and healing including Opening to Darkness, Shamanic Bones of Zen, The Way of Tenderness and Deepest Peace