When we're around other humans, beloved as we are, we self-reference in a way that seems to be distinct from almost all other species. We tend to ruminate on our lives, our thoughts filled with our preoccupation with ourselves. Then we come outside, and as we cultivate mindful presence, our attention goes outwards. This is why I always tell people “go outside!” It shifts our attention from this self-preoccupation—which is often painful, negative, or catastrophizing—to present-moment reality. So we walk outside, we sit, we live, and we start being influenced by this beautiful, natural world. There's no problem to fix and no self to be improved. It’s just this.

Mark Coleman
Spirit Rock Residential Teacher
Mark has trained extensively in the Buddhist tradition. He is a senior teacher at Spirit Rock, an author, and has taught insight meditation since 1997. Mark has led wilderness nature retreats worldwide for two decades and leads year-long nature meditation teacher trainings in the US and Europe.