Mudita is being activated by another’s well being. Just delighting that there’s a little bit more well being in this world. It’s really looking for the good, having your radar out for goodness. Don’t you love goodness when you see it? Just delight in goodness. When you’re feeling sympathetic joy, it’s not joy about somebody else’s happiness because they ripped somebody off—where they did something that brought them pleasure at somebody else’s expense. You’re rooting for a bit more wholesomeness in this world, a bit more goodness or kindness in this world.
James Baraz, Muditā Practice
James Baraz

James Baraz

Spirit Rock Residential Teacher

James Baraz is a founding teacher of Spirit Rock. James started the Community Dharma Leader program and Spirit's Rock Family Program. James leads the online course "Awakening Joy" since 2003. He is a guiding teacher to One Earth Sangha, a platform devoted to Buddhist responses to Climate Change.