Establish the stable base of the body sitting, and feel the support and stability of the earth beneath you. No matter what floor you may be on, arriving in your space, feel the ground rising up beneath you—ground supported by the foundation of the building you’re in, the foundation of the building supported by the earth. Feeling into this connection, grounding, allow the weight of the body to settle into the support of the earth. As the body begins to relax, you may feel the lower half of the body connecting more firmly with the earth, and sense the subtle pull of gravity toward the ground beneath you.

Alisa Dennis
Spirit Rock Residential Teacher
Alisa Dennis, Ph.D., discovered meditation through her study of ancient mystical traditions. She’s trained in Soto Zen and is most recently authorized to teach in the Theravada tradition.
She is a licensed psychologist and Somatic Experiencing practicer in Los Angeles, where she supports people as they move through life transitions.