Emotions don’t need to be something we have to run away from or try to regulate. And they don’t have to be seen as an obstacle to happiness and awakening. They can be used for something positive! We can ask ourselves, “Does my way of relating to this emotion—or does the way that it’s being expressed—lead to more suffering or less suffering?” Because emotions can lead us towards more wisdom and compassion when we move with them skillfully. When we can be curious about them, make space for them, and honor them. This is the art and skill we’re learning to do here.
Cara Lai, Opening to Emotions
Cara Lai

Cara Lai

Spirit Rock Residential Teacher

Throughout many mind-body adventures, Cara has explored the concentrated mind, chronic illness, the value of pleasure, the power of maternal energy, and connection to the earth. She tries her best to teach from the most authentic place she can muster, and is still learning about the contentment of simply existing.