Ceremony and ritual realign us with the Way, with the Dharma, with health and well-being. They help to clear what is accumulated, generating toxicity, pain, and suffering. In the Bodhisattva Way, what’s personal or collective doesn’t really matter. Personally there is a lot of psychological spiritual work around defining boundaries—what belongs where. But ultimately, when there’s suffering, we attend to it where it arises, whether it’s ours or wherever it came from. And sometimes we can’t, and we just leave it there, but we can still offer compassion. Even that adds a drop to the stream, helping to dissolve what came before.
Thanissara, Transforming Unwholesome Karma Through Compassion


Spirit Rock Residential Teacher

Thanissara is Anglo-Irish, a Dharma teacher, author, poet, and spiritual guide who trained as a monastic for 12 years in the Forest School of Ajahn Chah. She is a practitioner of the Kuan Yin Dharmas, has led meditation retreats for 35+ years, and has an MA in Mindfulness-Based Psychotherapy.