All privileged locations are based in ignorance, and so we don’t discern them, and we keep acting them out. Until we acknowledge that the refuge of Saṅgha—creating communities that are on the path, sustaining them, and building them—needs to include the relational field and how it works, then all those people who are privileged and have access to power and resources are going to keep making decisions that aren’t inclusive.
Arinna Weisman
Arinna Weisman

Arinna Weisman

Spirit Rock Residential Teacher

Arinna Weisman has studied Vipassana Meditation since 1979 and has been teaching since 1988. Her root teacher, Ruth Denison, was empowered by the Burmese master U Bha Khin.Her teaching is infused with her political activism and she has been leading retreats for the queer, GLBT gender non-conforming community since 1991.