On-Land Retreat

Your Brain Isn't Broken: Meeting ADHD with Mindfulness, Wisdom, and Compassion

Do you have challenges with focus and time management or struggle with emotional hypersensitivity or frustration tolerance? Do you find it hard to follow through on tasks or commitments, or to be reliable and consistent? If so, you are not alone. Millions of people suffer daily with conditions associated with these executive function challenges. Though commonly referred to as ADHD, these symptoms are not limited to this condition, and they are often exacerbated by our complex, fast-paced, high-tech lives. Such conditions often leave people with a sense of self-doubt, shame, or unworthiness. The good news is that with mindfulness, compassion, and with the application of skillful techniques, it is possible to understand and function more effectively with care and wisdom. On this daylong retreat we'll explore navigating these challenges, how they interrupt our functioning, and how we can meet ourselves with compassion. Important note: This retreat is NOT intended to replace any medications or other therapeutic approaches you may already be exploring with your physician or via mental health providers. It is intended to compliment such approaches by providing a Dharma perspective on these challenging inner conditions.

Teaching Team

Mark Coleman

Mark Coleman


Mark has trained extensively in the Buddhist tradition. He is a senior teacher at Spirit Rock, an author and has taught insight meditation since 1997.

Mark has led wilderness nature retreats worldwide for two twenty decades and leads leads year long nature meditation teacher trainings in the US and Europe.

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Sunday, July 28 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Mindfulness, Awareness, and Non-Duality

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Mark Coleman

Mark Coleman

Retreat On-Land

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The Spirit of Insight, Dharma & Awakening

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John Martin

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

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Eugene Cash

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Howard Cohn

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Victoria Cary

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How to be a Bodhisattva: Zen Insights on the Way of Compassion 

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