Online Retreat

All About Love: Celebrating bell hooks

We all want love. Having and holding love and loving feelings, however, can often be challenging. Throughout this retreat, we will explore together how love can be when it is expressed in conjunction with the qualities of the Four Divine States of Equanimity, Kindness, Compassion, and Inclusive Joy. While grounded in these teachings and meditation practices, this course will be framed around short readings from bell hooks’ "All About Love: New Visions," offering a blend of fierce feminist social criticism which invites us to transform our challenges into strengths in order to manifest the love and caring we want in our lives.

Teaching Team

Rev. Liên Shutt, LCSW

Rev. Liên Shutt, LCSW


REV. LIÊN SHUTT (she/they) is a priest trained in the Insight and Soto Zen traditions in the United States, Japan, Thailand, and Vietnam. Visit for ways to connect and to learn more about her book Home is Here: Practicing Antiracism with the Engaged Eightfold Path.

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How to be a Bodhisattva: Zen Insights on the Way of Compassion 

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Faith in Yourself: Compassion Practices for Cultivating Freedom from Self-Doubt

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Matthew Brensilver

Cara Lai

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Retreat Online

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Everything Is Practice: A Guide for Insight Meditation Retreats

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Gil Fronsdal

Gil Fronsdal