On-Land Retreat

Sacred Sounds Sessions: Jai Uttal

Spirit Rock invites you to experience the transformative power of our inaugural Sacred Sounds Sessions, starting this summer! Each date will feature a different musical artist who has devoted their professional life to preserving, creating, and sharing sacred music. Join us for a nourishing combination of healing sound, meditation, an optional bring-your-own picnic outside in nature, and an opportunity to (re)connect with sangha on our stunning Spirit Rock land. Gates will open two hours earlier to allow enough time to picnic prior to the program.

Teaching Team

Jai Uttal

Jai Uttal


Jai Uttal, Grammy nominee, kirtan artist, and world music pioneer has been a leading influence in the Bhakti tradition for over 50 years. Jai considers devotion to be the core of his musical and spiritual life, and he whole-heartedly shares his passionate heart through his voice and songs.

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John Martin

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Anushka Fernandopulle

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Howard Cohn

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Victoria Cary

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