
Teacher: Tuere Sala


Retreat On-Land

August 11 - August 18, 2024 Sunday - Sunday | 7 nights

The Elements: Cultivating an Embodied Experience of Emptiness and Fullness

A fundamental aspect of establishing embodied mindfulness involves contemplations of the elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space. These five elements are universal, and when we contemplate them in relation to the body, they may bring a cooling of the grasping mind and profound realizations of emptiness and fullness. In contemplating the elements and their interrelationship, we will allow them to support the non-conceptual knowing from which insights naturally arise. This retreat includes guided and silent meditations, movement, and teacher meetings.

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Dana DePalma

Dana DePalma

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Stephanie Antoine

Stephanie Antoine

Retreat On-Land

August 18 - August 27, 2024 Sunday - Tuesday | 9 nights

Summer Lovingkindness Retreat

The Buddha’s teachings on the four divine sanctuaries include meditations on universal friendliness, compassion, altruistic joy, and equanimity. Focusing on purification and concentration, these divine sanctuaries aid our ability to find inner peace and powerfully engage with the world. This retreat deepens our understanding of selfless love and how it ends suffering. Experienced retreatants are encouraged to combine this retreat with the previous Elements retreat to further develop concentration, purify the heart, and learn to integrate these two forms of meditation.

Tempel Smith

Tempel Smith

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Bonnie Duran

Bonnie Duran

John Martin

John Martin

Kristina Baré

Kristina Baré

Rasika Link

Rasika Link

Retreat On-Land

August 28 - September 2, 2024 Wednesday - Monday | 5 nights

Labor Day Insight Meditation Retreat

This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity and depth of practice. Traditional instructions will be combined with a spirit of lovingkindness, and our time together will include a schedule of silent sitting and walking periods, guided Yoga/movement sessions, as well as practice meetings with teachers and daily Dharma talks. This retreat is for experienced as well as new students.

James Baraz

James Baraz

Howard Cohn

Howard Cohn

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Eve Decker

Eve Decker

Terry Vandiver

Terry Vandiver


Retreat On-Land

October 1 - October 10, 2024 Tuesday - Thursday | 9 nights

Naturally Arising Samādhi [Concentration]

This retreat develops concentration through specific meditative practices that utilize the mind’s natural capacity to become collected and unified. Our focus will be on developing concentration; exploring the experience of a concentrated and contented mind as a natural, mysterious, and beneficial phenomena; and utilizing concentration during Insight practice. The primary teaching method will be two daily guided 45-60 minute meditations, and participants are strongly encouraged to listen to guided meditations ahead of time to experience this style of practice.

Phillip Moffitt

Phillip Moffitt

Dana DePalma

Dana DePalma

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Ying Chen

Ying Chen

Retreat On-Land

October 10 - October 19, 2024 Thursday - Saturday | 9 nights

Fall Insight Meditation Retreat

This is a Vipassanā retreat in the Thai Forest Tradition, which will emphasize quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity and depth of practice. Traditional meditation instruction will be combined with a spirit of lovingkindness, and the retreat will include silent stillness and moving meditation, Dharma talks, and practice meetings with the teachers.

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Matthew Brensilver

Matthew Brensilver

Eugene Cash

Eugene Cash

devon hase

devon hase

Hakim Tafari

Hakim Tafari


Retreat On-Land

December 27 - January 3, 2025 Friday - Friday | 7 nights

New Year's Insight Meditation Retreat

This is a traditional Insight Meditation (vipassanā) retreat with stillness and moving in silence, as well as regular meetings with teachers. Each day there will be systematic meditation instructions, Dharma talks, and movement practice. We will mark the turning of the year with a late evening meditation and simple ceremony on New Year’s Eve. In celebration of the New Year, our focus will be on cultivating loving awareness and embracing each moment as fresh and new. All are welcome.

Eugene Cash

Eugene Cash

devon hase

devon hase

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Dawn Scott

Dawn Scott

Hakim Tafari

Hakim Tafari


Retreat On-Land

February 1 - March 29, 2025 Saturday - Saturday | 56 nights

2025 Insight Meditation 2-Month Retreat - Application

An extended period of retreat offers the rare opportunity for sustained, dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing profound clarity and depth of Insight practice. Instruction will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness combined with training in lovingkindness and compassion, and practice will be structured around a daily schedule of silent sitting, walking, Dharma talks, and practice meetings with teachers.

Dawn Scott

Dawn Scott

Vance Pryor

Vance Pryor

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Brian Lesage

Brian Lesage

devon hase

devon hase

JD Doyle

JD Doyle

Tara Mulay

Tara Mulay

Tempel Smith

Tempel Smith

Devin Berry

Devin Berry

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Kristina Baré

Kristina Baré

Francisco Morillo Gable

Francisco Morillo Gable

Marjolein Janssen

Marjolein Janssen

Rasika Link

Rasika Link

Retreat On-Land

February 1 - March 1, 2025 Saturday - Saturday | 28 nights

2025 February Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat - Application

An extended period of retreat offers the rare opportunity for sustained, dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing profound clarity and depth of Insight practice. Instruction will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness combined with training in lovingkindness and compassion, and practice will be structured around a daily schedule of silent sitting, walking, Dharma talks, and practice meetings with teachers.

Dawn Scott

Dawn Scott

Vance Pryor

Vance Pryor

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Brian Lesage

Brian Lesage

devon hase

devon hase

JD Doyle

JD Doyle

Rasika Link

Rasika Link


Retreat On-Land

March 1 - March 29, 2025 Saturday - Saturday | 28 nights

2025 March Insight Meditation 1-Month Retreat - Application

An extended period of retreat offers the rare opportunity for sustained, dedicated practice. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing profound clarity and depth of Insight practice. Instruction will follow the traditional four foundations of mindfulness combined with training in lovingkindness and compassion, and practice will be structured around a daily schedule of silent sitting, walking, Dharma talks, and practice meetings with teachers.

Tara Mulay

Tara Mulay

Tempel Smith

Tempel Smith

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Devin Berry

Devin Berry

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Kristina Baré

Kristina Baré

Francisco Morillo Gable

Francisco Morillo Gable

Marjolein Janssen

Marjolein Janssen

Rasika Link

Rasika Link