
Teacher: Sylvia Boorstein


Class Series Online Dharma Institute

August 1 - August 29, 2024 5 Thursdays | 4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Everyday Life as Mindfulness Practice

Join us for a foundational series on the common-sense teachings of mindful awareness. With a focus on interactive discussion, meditation, and community building, Sylvia (via video recording) and Heidi (live via Zoom) will share practical, accessible, timeless teachings that support the integration of mindfulness, non-harming, and kindness into the complexities of our everyday lives. Connect and be nurtured by the support of saṅgha, shared stories, and meaningful moments as we bring our practice more fully into everyday life.

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Heidi Bourne

Heidi Bourne


Drop-in Online

Wednesday, September 4 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk

Our Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk is led by Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg, Heidi Bourne, or other guest teachers. This group welcomes beginners and experienced practitioners to explore the Dharma.

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Donald Rothberg

Donald Rothberg

Heidi Bourne

Heidi Bourne

Retreat On-Land

September 9 - September 13, 2024 Monday - Friday | 4 nights

Founders Retreat: Insight Meditation with the Spirit Rock Founding Teachers

Spirit Rock invites you to a special Insight Meditation Retreat with senior Spirit Rock teachers who have been here since the beginning. This retreat emphasizes quieting the mind, opening the heart, and developing clarity and depth of practice. Traditional instructions based on the Foundations of Mindfulness will be combined with daily mettā (lovingkindness) practice, silent sitting and walking periods, guided movement sessions, practice meetings with teachers, and daily Dharma talks.

James Baraz

James Baraz

Howard Cohn

Howard Cohn

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Stephanie Antoine

Stephanie Antoine

Drop-in Online

Wednesday, September 11 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk

Our Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk is led by Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg, Heidi Bourne, or other guest teachers. This group welcomes beginners and experienced practitioners to explore the Dharma.

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Donald Rothberg

Donald Rothberg

Heidi Bourne

Heidi Bourne

Drop-in Online

Wednesday, September 18 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk

Our Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk is led by Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg, Heidi Bourne, or other guest teachers. This group welcomes beginners and experienced practitioners to explore the Dharma.

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Donald Rothberg

Donald Rothberg

Heidi Bourne

Heidi Bourne

Drop-in Online

Wednesday, September 25 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk

Our Wednesday Morning Meditation & Talk is led by Sylvia Boorstein, Donald Rothberg, Heidi Bourne, or other guest teachers. This group welcomes beginners and experienced practitioners to explore the Dharma.

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Donald Rothberg

Donald Rothberg

Heidi Bourne

Heidi Bourne


Retreat On-Land

December 8 - December 18, 2024 Sunday - Wednesday | 10 nights

Meeting the Three Characteristics through Cultivating Stability, Well-being, and Confidence

In this retreat, we tend to the three qualities of stability, well-being, and confidence, all of which support insight into the three characteristics of existence. Then we explore and befriend these characteristics—namely, aniccā (impermanence, inconstancy), dukkha (stress, unsatisfactoriness, suffering) and anattā (not-self, impersonality, ungovernability)—in our own lived experience. When we understand and make peace with these characteristics, we have more ease, compassion, and freedom in our lives, and we can be of more benefit to ourselves, others, and the world.

Nikki Mirghafori

Nikki Mirghafori

Sylvia Boorstein

Sylvia Boorstein

Rachel Lewis

Rachel Lewis

Mei Elliott

Mei Elliott