
Teacher: Kate Munding



Retreat On-Land

June 22 - June 27, 2024 Saturday - Thursday | 5 nights

Mindfulness for Everyone

8 CE Credits. Mindfulness offers us tools to develop our capacity to pay attention, regulate emotions, and cultivate states of lovingkindness, compassion, and even-mindedness. Mindfulness can be practiced in a variety of ways—from focused attention to wide open, spacious, natural awareness. Over time, one can access states of profound well-being in both silent meditation and everyday life. Rooted in the Buddhist practice of mindfulness, this retreat focuses on practical applications of mindfulness and is open to people of all experience levels and backgrounds.

Diana Winston

Diana Winston

Carol Cano

Carol Cano

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Vadan Tereza Ritter

Vadan Tereza Ritter


Retreat On-Land

Sunday, June 23 10:00 AM - 3:30 PM

Women's Dharma Day: Integrating Consciousness into Relationships, Communication, and Action

Open to all self-identified Women. The Buddha was clear that living wisely and not causing harm are the bedrocks of liberating the heart and mind from suffering. In parallel with cultivating a formal meditation practice, we must spend equal time cultivating ahimsa (non-harming) in our speech and actions. Not only does this support our own awakening process, but it ensures that our practice benefits all beings. This daylong retreat is for self-identified women who are interested in integrating more consciousness into relationships, communication, and action.

Kate Munding

Kate Munding


Retreat On-Land

July 15 - July 18, 2024 Monday - Thursday | 3 nights

Tenderness Retreat: Compassion for Self and All Beings

A heart that can stay open and present in the face of dukkha (suffering or dissatisfaction) is one that is well-trained in compassion. Beginning with instruction designed to ease the nervous system and soften the barriers to a tender, open heart, we will learn the ancient radiating method of brahmavihāra practice, which opens the heart of compassion towards all beings, including oneself. It is a gentle but powerful approach to compassion practice suitable for newer and seasoned practitioners alike.

Kate Munding

Kate Munding

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

JD Doyle

JD Doyle

Radiate Lovingkindness This Mettā May

Support Spirit Rock’s transformative programs with a gift this Mettā May.