
Teacher: Gullu Singh


Retreat On-Land

September 26 - September 30, 2024 Thursday - Monday | 4 nights

What the Buddha Taught

Held in noble silence and open to all levels of experience, this retreat explores ancient Buddhist practices, stories, and insights while considering the relevance of these 2500-year-old teachings to our contemporary lives. Together we will weave mindfulness into our practices of sitting, walking, eating, and basic daily activities. The renunciation of technology, books, entertainment, and other aspects of regular life will facilitate the development of insight that will benefit our everyday practice as we return to our modern lives.

Anushka Fernandopulle

Anushka Fernandopulle

Neesha Patel

Neesha Patel

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh


Retreat On-Land

October 20 - October 26, 2024 Sunday - Saturday | 6 nights

Uncovering the Luminous Gold Within: BIPOC Mettā Retreat

Open to all self-identified BIPOC. There is a rich repository of deep peace and ease that resides within the heart. Mettā, the practice of lovingkindness, brings to awareness the messages of conditioning that cloak the inner sacredness of our being. Mettā transforms the heart into a sanctuary by which we are strengthened to stay lovingly engaged with the tumultuous tides of life. This retreat offers silent and guided meditation, Dharma talks, movement meditation, and restful time to nourish the body and heal the heart. 

Amana Brembry Johnson

Amana Brembry Johnson

Bonnie Duran

Bonnie Duran

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

bruni dávila

bruni dávila

Richelle Evelyn Donigan

Richelle Evelyn Donigan


Retreat On-Land

November 22 - November 30, 2024 Friday - Saturday | 8 nights

Reclamation of the Sacred: Journey into Refuge, Presence, and Love

In helping us to deepen our refuge and reconnect with what is most precious and sacred in this life, this retreat draws from teachings and practices that open us to the heart of compassion. Informed by a synthesis of Theravāda Buddhism as transmitted through the Thai Forest Tradition and the teachings of Ajahn Chah, and Mahāyāna practices and teachings around Quan Yin’s compassionate Bodhisattva Path, this retreat includes devotional practices, Dharma talks, meditation instructions, Yoga sessions, and meetings with teachers.





Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Dawn Mauricio

Dawn Mauricio

Yong Oh

Yong Oh

Djuna Devereaux

Djuna Devereaux

Adam Stonebraker

Adam Stonebraker