
Teacher: Alex Haley


Retreat On-Land

June 7 - June 14, 2024 Friday - Friday | 7 nights

Insight, Awareness, and the Nine Bodies of Consciousness

This retreat offers a new style of Insight Meditation that employs the “Nine Bodies of Consciousness” map. The focus of this practice is on developing mindfulness of the felt sense of embodied experience, and directly experiencing the various capacities of consciousness, including intuitive awareness, which fosters the natural arising of insight. This distinct teaching style will be unfamiliar to first-time “Nine Bodies Insight” practitioners, and potential participants are strongly encouraged to listen to guided meditations beforehand.

Dana DePalma

Dana DePalma

Phillip Moffitt

Phillip Moffitt

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Ying Chen

Ying Chen

Retreat On-Land

June 22 - June 27, 2024 Saturday - Thursday | 5 nights

Mindfulness for Everyone

8 CE Credits. Mindfulness offers us tools to develop our capacity to pay attention, regulate emotions, and cultivate states of lovingkindness, compassion, and even-mindedness. Mindfulness can be practiced in a variety of ways—from focused attention to wide open, spacious, natural awareness. Over time, one can access states of profound well-being in both silent meditation and everyday life. Rooted in the Buddhist practice of mindfulness, this retreat focuses on practical applications of mindfulness and is open to people of all experience levels and backgrounds.

Diana Winston

Diana Winston

Carol Cano

Carol Cano

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Gullu Singh

Gullu Singh

Vadan Tereza Ritter

Vadan Tereza Ritter


Retreat On-Land

August 11 - August 18, 2024 Sunday - Sunday | 7 nights

The Elements: Cultivating an Embodied Experience of Emptiness and Fullness

A fundamental aspect of establishing embodied mindfulness involves contemplations of the elements—earth, water, fire, air, and space. These five elements are universal, and when we contemplate them in relation to the body, they may bring a cooling of the grasping mind and profound realizations of emptiness and fullness. In contemplating the elements and their interrelationship, we will allow them to support the non-conceptual knowing from which insights naturally arise. This retreat includes guided and silent meditations, movement, and teacher meetings.

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Dana DePalma

Dana DePalma

Alex Haley

Alex Haley


Retreat On-Land

October 1 - October 10, 2024 Tuesday - Thursday | 9 nights

Naturally Arising Samādhi [Concentration]

This retreat develops concentration through specific meditative practices that utilize the mind’s natural capacity to become collected and unified. Our focus will be on developing concentration; exploring the experience of a concentrated and contented mind as a natural, mysterious, and beneficial phenomena; and utilizing concentration during Insight practice. The primary teaching method will be two daily guided 45-60 minute meditations, and participants are strongly encouraged to listen to guided meditations ahead of time to experience this style of practice.

Phillip Moffitt

Phillip Moffitt

Dana DePalma

Dana DePalma

Tuere Sala

Tuere Sala

Alex Haley

Alex Haley

Ying Chen

Ying Chen

Radiate Lovingkindness This Mettā May

Support Spirit Rock’s transformative programs with a gift this Mettā May.