Mindful Leadership Training

Ethics & Reconciliation Council

Ethics & Reconciliation (EAR) Council

Conflicts will inevitably arise within the Spirit Rock community. The health of our community is not measured by the presence or absence of conflict as much as by our willingness to find effective, responsible, and compassionate means of resolving interpersonal tensions. The intention to attend to and learn from conflict is a clear application of Buddhist practice into our daily lives; without this intention, practice can too easily be a comfort rather than a deep transformative vehicle for our lives.

Buddhist conflict resolution is not based on good or bad, blame or guilt, winning or losing, offenders or victims. Rather it is based on fully addressing the suffering of all concerned. Hurt, fear, and anger are taken seriously through forums in which everyone may speak honestly, safely, and completely about their own direct experiences and feelings. In looking for resolution, Buddhist practice values dialogue over silence, reconciliation over estrangement, forgiveness over resentment, confession over accusation, and atonement over punishment. Because the process of reaching such resolution is often very difficult, Spirit Rock’s Ethics and Reconciliation Council (EAR Council) offers support.

The EAR Council is comprised of Spirit Rock teachers, staff, and community practitioners, widely respected for their integrity, who are available to any community member who wants help in dealing with conflicts and grievances within the Spirit Rock community (except for employee/personnel-related conflicts). The primary role of the EAR Council is to provide initial, confidential consultation to anyone with ethical concerns. As such, the Council may, on request, function as a simple sounding board for one’s concerns, as a source of questions to facilitate deeper personal reflection, or as a source of advice on how best to resolve the conflict.

However, the EAR Council is available to oversee the implementation of a formal grievance procedure for such grievances, complaints and conflicts that cannot be resolved through dialogue, mediation, and reconciliation. This involves setting up a Grievance Council that investigates and decides on specific issues submitted by members of the community. Because many situations requiring a formal grievance procedure contain elements of interpersonal conflict, a formal grievance process may not be effective in resolving those issues. If such resolution is desired, other procedures, - such as mediation - are recommended.

Grievance Process

An important function of the EAR Council is to encourage an intention of mutual respect and reconciliation whenever conflict arises within our community. In the rare occasion that a more formal process may be necessary the following process is available.

1. Bringing a Concern

A formal grievance process is initiated by communicating in writing with the EAR Council. This “letter of request” must include:

  • A clear statement that a formal grievance process is requested.
  • The name of the person(s) whose behavior the complaint concerns.
  • A description of the alleged behavior sufficient enough to allow the EAR Council to decide whether the complaint is appropriate for initiating a formal grievance procedure.
  • A history of the attempts, if any, to resolve the complaint through other means.
  • A general statement about the resolution desired.

2. Accepting the Concern

Once the EAR Council has accepted a request, it must convey its acceptance within two weeks to the party filing the complaint. As part of a notification to the party named in the complaint, the Council will state its understanding of the issue under inquiry. The Council may also choose to distribute a copy of the original “letter of request” to the party named in the complaint.

3. Forming a Grievance Council

Once a complaint is accepted, the EAR Council selects a subset of its members to constitute a Grievance Council. In keeping with the tradition of monastic council this council will investigate, issue findings, and render a decision on the complaint. The EAR Council may also appoint one of its members to be the moderator of the Grievance Council who guides the procedures but does not participate in any decisions.

4. Investigating the Concern

The Grievance Council schedules closed hearings in which all parties are given a chance to present their understanding of the issue under investigation. The Grievance Council may question all parties and may request additional information. The proceedings will be documented.

The Grievance Council may ask other people to provide information pertinent to the complaint. All parties will have a full and fair opportunity to respond to all information – oral, written, or otherwise – gathered by the Grievance Council.

Except for informing the EAR Council and appropriate community leaders, the proceedings will be held confidentially for the duration of the proceedings.

5. Grievance Council Findings

When the Grievance Council members are satisfied that they are adequately informed they will review and discuss the case among themselves. At its discretion, the Grievance Council may seek non-binding advice from any other source. The Grievance Council’s decision should be reached by consensus. Within two weeks of a decision, all parties will be notified of the findings. For matters involving the potential suspension of a Spirit Rock Teacher Council Member, the Grievance Council will consult with the Spirit Rock Guiding Teachers Committee in jointly establishing the best course of action.

Inquiries with the EAR Council can be made by emailing the EAR Council.

Any other inquiries can be sent to communications.