In this Dharma talk, John Martin looks closely at the transformative benefits of mettā practice, which include a deep understanding that lovingkindness is the natural condition of the heart. “Our practice is to open our hearts unconditionally, boundlessly, to all beings,” John describes. “And when we incline our heart and mind toward lovingkindness, something magical happens. We come into our own goodness, into a kind of flowering of who we are.”
July 7, 2021
| 57 min 44 sec
What We're Doing with Our Mettā Practice and Why It Matters
John Martin

John Martin
Residential Retreat Teacher
John Martin has been devoted to dharma practice since 2001. He serves as the Co-Chair of the Spirit Rock Guiding Teachers Council. John teaches Vipassana, Metta and LGBTQI-themed meditation retreats. He also teaches in dedicated practitioner programs and supports practitioners in bringing practice to daily life.