The deep interweaving of somatic movement and Yoga āsana with meditation inherently balances the nervous system and brings stability as we metabolize what is arising through the body. As the heart softens and the body opens through mindful movement, a natural kindness and joy arises. You can allow the hindrances to wake you up, to invite you into compassion, into being here. Bringing loving awareness to the somatic pattern of the hindrance, you read the book of your body’s intelligence, and as Ajahn Chah says, “read the book of your heart.”

Djuna Devereaux
Guest Teacher/Movement Teacher
Djuna Devereaux has taught yoga and Dharma for 20 years. She teaches retreats at Spirit Rock, leads their Dharma and Yoga Trainings, and is a core teacher for Sacred Mountain Sangha. Djuna teaches internationally for Prajna Yoga, and is in private practice as a yoga therapist and Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.